Capturing the Record

The first step in the Digital Court Reporting process is capturing the record. In this phase, a well-trained digital court reporter will be dispatched to your deposition, hearing, or trial with the primary function of creating a high fidelity recording of the proceeding.

The digital court reporter is trained on things like crowd control, exhibit marking, and using the Wavtext software to provide instantaneous readbacks, just like a stenographic court reporter.

Using the software, the digital court reporter will take time-synched log notes that will help transcribers to identify speakers.  Using the built-in log notes feature, the reporter can then go back on breaks to collect unknown spellings.


After the record has been captured, the audio, log notes, and any company paperwork can be sent to the transcriber. This can either be done at home or the office after a proceeding, or it can be uploaded directly to the transcriber as the job is occurring.

Due to the multi-channel, high fidelity recording, many transcribers comment that it’s actually easier to write from a Wavtext recording than it is to be present at the deposition.

With the free Wavtext Player, transcribers can manipulate the recording to help them be more productive.  Techniques like muting or amplifying channels can help balance the sound while speeding up or slowing down the audio can help match the transcribers desired speed.

Production and Billing

After the job has been transcribed and submitted to your production department, it falls back in line with your normal business practices. Feel free to run the file through industry software like ReporterBase, YesLaw, or Min-u-Script.