Tommy Runfola

About The Inventor

Tom Runfola, the inventor of Wavtext Digital Systems, has been a leading member of the Court Reporting community for well over 40 years. A Past-President of the National Court Reporters Association and Vice-President of the International Alliance of Professional Reporters and Transcribers, he was the first stenographic reporter in the nation to adopt modern digital court reporting systems for daily use, and he continues to be on the cutting edge as a developer of new digital court reporting technologies.

Having performed court reporting work in over 40 states and 20 foreign countries, including assignments for five Presidents and Vice-Presidents of the United States, the televised closed captioning industry, and some of the most high-profile litigation of the past four decades, Tom is also a highly sought after speaker, educator, and expert witness. His client and case list is a virtual Who’s Who in the legal and litigation world.

In addition to managing high-profile court reporting assignments internationally, Mr. Runfola has spoken or testified before powerful national organizations, such as the American Bar Association, the National Judicial College, The Ohio Judicial College, The Mississippi Judicial College, the Ohio Court Administrators Association, Pennsylvania Court Administrators Association, the National Center for State Courts, the Federal Judicial Center, the Institute for Court Management, and the Legislatures or Supreme Courts of a dozen or more states, and numerous Bar Associations and Legal Industry Groups. He has been a guest lecturer at well regarded institutions of higher learning such as Capital Law School, the Ohio State University Law School, Otterbein College, Penn State University, the University of Alabama, University of Hawaii, Columbus State University, Clark State University, as well as Court Reporting Associations of nearly every state and Canada. Tom regularly gives litigation support seminars to lawyers and paralegals. He has also served as an expert witness on court reporting matters in West Virginia, Ohio and California.

Tom holds the National Court Reporters Association’s Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) and Registered Merit Reporter (RMR) Certifications. Tom is a three-time winner of the Ohio Championship Speed Contest, has qualified on all three parts of the NCRA National Speed Contest, and is a Fellow of the Academy of Professional Reporters.

Tom received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Supreme Court of Ohio for “His personal quest for excellence in himself and his profession, the pursuit of which has contributed to the fair and efficient administration of justice in Ohio and the nation.” He was honored by the Ohio Legislature as one of Ohio’s most accomplished and energetic citizens. Mr. Runfola was twice nominated as the National Entrepreneur of the Year. Tom is a nationally syndicated talk show host of the popular Makin-It Radio Program on the Salem Radio FM Network and I-Heart Radio.